Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer Lovin' - Had Me a Blast

Summer is coming to a close and if you listen closely you can hear nonprofit organizations taking a huge breath as the fall is a very busy time for the sector. What do we anticipate seeing:
  • Academics will be back in the classroom and in their nooks finishing their writings for their publishers delights. I am sure more writings on how the nonprofit sector should be more like the business sector.
  • Managers and Executive Directors will be welcoming back staff who had the summer to think about new ideas for the organization or avenues to get out.
  • Foundations are preparing for the fall grant cycle and board meetings, where they will continue to pull back and make more difficult decisions.
  • Government funding, especially federal, will be going to those other than ourselves, or it will seem that way.
  • We all will be confused with nonprofit press outlets who say things are going down hill but things are looking up.
Just my sense on the above but know that September is a month that feels more like renewal than January does, so here a glass to the little break we got this summer and the intensity of the fall. Let me know how I can help!

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